
The Place to Business, a creative campaign to promote Italiacamp Dubai Hub for Made in Italy

The Place to Business: where Made in Italy meets the future. This is the key message of the adv campaign realized to promote Italiacamp Dubai Hub for Made in Italy, a center for Italian companies that want to expand in the Middle East, North Africa, and Southeast Asia and in the UAE business ecosystem. The hub has been opened on 27th April at the Dubai World Trade Center.

The campaign has been created by Italiacamp with the collaboration Deepblue Works creative agency and represents five subjects’ symbol of the Made in Italy competencies and crucial sectors. The subjects blend with the iconic Dubai skylines becoming a bridge for the future: Where Italian Know How, Style, Design, Manufacturing and Heritage meet the future.

In fact, the main goal of the hub is to create connection between Italian products, services and knowledge with markets where Made in Italy has still great opportunities to seize, such as the UAE market, which is increasingly an international crossroads today.

The campaign has been published on Corriere della Sera and Corriere Economia, and it is on-air until 31 May on maxi LEDwalls of Vivenda in the historical centre of the city of Rome in Via Pinciana, Lungotevere dei Sangallo and Ponte Milvio and on mazi LEDwalls of Acone Associati in Milan in Via De Amicis and Piazza San Babila. It will continue online on LinkedIn and Instagram accounts.


Creative Directions: Deepblue Works, Italiacamp

Strategic Direction: Italiacamp

Website: Accéntra

Digital ADV: Ora Comunica

OOH: Vivenda and Acone Associati

Thanks to Toy Marine for using one of the campaign images.

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